How to make a home inspection checklist

Although you may not think about it often, accidents and injuries can occur in virtually any room in your home. The simplest way to help prevent these types of incidents from occurring is through a home safety inspection checklist. Although there are many types of home safety inspection lists, creating your own personalized list can help you and your family takes a practical approach to home safety.


  1. Make sure you list all types of rooms in your home. Group similar rooms, such as the living room and family room or main bathroom and family bathroom, to help keep the list brief and concise.
  2. Analyze particular security, refers to the members of your family. For example, if you have a younger child, keeping locked in the closet of your kitchen cleaning products may be a priority, or you may need to have a lantern next to the bed for a member of your family.
  3. Walk through every room in your home. Consider using each room and the potential dangers you see. Write down the types of hazards you see for each room and what needs to be done and checked monthly to prevent accidents from occurring.
  4. Create a similar list for your garage and outdoors. Keeping poisonous substances locked up and out of reach of children or sidewalks free of debris are two examples of things you should list the garage and the outside.
  5. Prepare a master copy of your home safety checklist on the computer. Print one copy each month to use as your home safety inspection checklist.

Tips & Warnings

  • Create a fire evacuation map while you are creating your home safety inspection checklist. There are two ways of escape from each room as well as a place for the family to meet once they are out of the house.
  • Remember to include a monthly smoke detectors check on your list. You should add a reminder for when smoke stacks should be changed and at what time of year.

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