Tips to put the right price to your house in full crisis

Real estate firms often have to be thoroughly employed to convince the seller that the price they estimate for their home is too high and unrealistic with the current real estate market.

Therefore, the owner of a flat for sale must know the current circumstances and know the high competition that exists since there are many homes for sale at the same time as yours.

The first thing to know to put a suitable price is what is the market value of my house?

In a cold form, market value is defined as “the estimated amount at which an operation can be carried out successfully between two parties aware of the current situation and acting prudently and without coercion.”

Define, what is not the market value of my home?

  • It is not the price you paid for the house plus commissions and improvements made
  • It is not the price your friend, lawyer, family member or neighbor says unless you are willing to buy at that price
  • It is not the price you paid plus one Annual increase since then
  • It is nothing more than the price your neighbor sold because your home you like more

Once you have known this, there are a number of tips and recommendations to put a price appropriate to your home and increase the probability of sale:

  • You have to be

Objective even if you are selling your house and all the memories you have had inside that has to be removed from the price. Buyers see more location, quality, Size and condition of the house

  • Forget what your house was worth

Although until recently many thought otherwise, the real estate market is like the stock market, the value can go down. So be objective of the price that can have your home today and forget the one you had six months or three years ago.

  • Do not think that an innocent will appear

Some think that your real estate firm will find someone willing to pay more than the market value of your living place. That almost never happens, so you should not have faith in that possibility.

  • Analyze the market

Thoroughly this is where a real estate firm can be very useful. The right price is not reached in five minutes. You have to see the houses around that are for sale, try to find out how much the last of the area have really been sold and study the prices of those that have been in the market for a long time and are not sold afterwards, objective with your floor and try to get the right price.

  • Good marketing does not justify a higher price

A good marketing (various advertisements, open house post it on numerous portals, create the best plans and other ideas to highlight your home) does not justify putting a higher price on your house or your neighbor). Keep in mind the recent appraisals if you do not want to have the illusions of selling your house.

Down the operation for the appraisal you must be up to date of the appraisals or reports of prices of the area of ​​nothing serves to reach an agreement in the price with a buyer if it needs a mortgage and the bank is not given because the appraisal is low, therefore, must be consistent with the valuations.

  • Get ahead of the market

In the city housing boom, sellers put the price simply adding a few euros or 5-10% to the price of its neighbor. As the rises were vertiginous, they would usually find a buyer sooner rather than later. Now it would have to do the same but the other way around. Since the price of housing is falling, it may be an interesting weapon to put a price somewhat lower than the competition to try to sell the house before.

  • Make your offer irresistible

Buyers simply want to buy the best house at the best price and know the homes that are for sale around you. Ask your real estate agent to take you to see other houses for sale that are your competition and will help you put a good price in addition to knowing your weaknesses. If your house does not have its problems, you can highlight to the buyers the benefits of your house in aspects that you know that others loose. In this section it fits from the location within an urbanization, the orientation, the noises … You must create value in your home so your potential buyers value it.

  • Be prepared to lower the price

You cannot find the right price the first day. Sometimes it is difficult because lately few homes are sold with which to compare, so you have to keep in mind that the starting price is just a starting point and we do not have to cling to it.

We are in a very difficult real estate market and that some have never seen and if you really want to sell the home you should know that it is not time for closed and obstinate sellers with a price. If you put a price too high, simply your house will not to be sold.

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